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Friday, December 30, 2011

win some, got some and other stuff

i won some patterns this month!    i got half price and free shipping on some more books!                  

i finished this cladonia shawl and gave it to my sis for christmas  and made mugrugs for my quilter friends, too.                                                                              

now i've started this new project, melosa.  can you tell what it
will be?

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful shawl - I know your sister was thrilled! I love shawls and have just a few. A friend knitted me a simple prayer shawl a few years ago and it's a real treasure to me. It's very simple but I wrap up in it when I'm doing my Bible study. I also made a pieced shawl/wrap for myself last year that's a real favorite. It's perfect for the times the church air conditioning is turned down to "freeze". :) blessings, marlene
